Software Stewardship

Long-term maintenance and support for
Ruby on Rails applications.

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Rails Custodians

Your Ruby on Rails application is a significant asset, its health and evolution are vital for your business continuity and growth. Post-launch, the real challenge begins – ensuring seamless operation, squashing bugs, and staying updated with the latest security patches. An in-house maintenance team is a luxury not every organization can afford, and sporadic updates can turn into expensive, firefighting drills devoid of holistic consideration for your product.

Enter Neomind, your dedicated Rails maintenance consultancy. With an elite team of seasoned Rails developers, we offer a structured, long-term support and enhancement model for your Rails applications.

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Ensure your Rails application doesn't just keep running but evolves with your business.

Unlike others, we don't wait for things to break; we proactively identify potential pitfalls, suggest improvements, and come to you with robust solutions that make your app’s maintenance, scalability, and future development more efficient.We are deeply embedded in the Rails community, contributing to its growth through open-source projects and community engagements. Our Rails stewardship goes beyond mere maintenance; it's about continually refining and fortifying your application to stay competitive.

Partnership Rooted in Consistency and Flexibility

We recognize that business dynamics change and so do your application’s needs. Our engagement model is flexible, allowing for bandwidth adjustment as per your priorities. We work within a set monthly budget, ensuring you have a clear projection of your maintenance costs.Our hourly rate model is transparent, and we provide weekly progress reports to keep you informed. Regular prioritization meetings are a hallmark of our partnerships, ensuring alignment, and meeting your expectations.

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Continiuous Feature Development
Compliance & Security
Modernization of Application Development
Performance Tuning to Optimize Cost & Hosting
Rails, Security Patches, & Gem Upgrades
Test Suite Enhancement

Caring for large and small organizations for over 18 years.

Neomind is more than a maintenance consultancy; we are your Rails application’s growth partners.